Communication and integral ecology in the encyclical Laudato si’
Carbajo / 7 Ottobre 2022

The references of the encyclical Laudato si‘[1] to the Means of Social Communication (MSC) are contained in the fourth part of the first chapter (43-47), entitled “Decline in the quality of human life and the breakdown of society.” In this chapter, LS considers the negative effects of the current model of development (43), which promotes chaotic and unhealthy cities (44), privatizes beautiful spaces, reserving them for the rich (45), increases inequalities, breaks the bonds of social cohesion, and generates violence (46). Among all these challenges, the encyclical points out the influence of the MSC (47). A critical view of the MSC is evident here. They respond to the commercial interests of the multinationals that control them and promote the same capitalist model of development that has caused the current socio-environmental crisis. This critical approach to the MSC contrasts with the optimism of a UN document,[2] which affirms that “the guarantee of diffusion and access to information sources seems to be sufficient in itself for the promotion of a healthy sustainable development” [3] for the coming years. Laudato Si’, instead, affirms that the MSC can manipulate human perception, especially when they “become omnipresent” and when relationships with others are “replaced by…