The Governance of Change: at a time of ecological transition Open Ethical Questions Raised by Laudato sì. Question 1: Is the use of coercive force justified in responding to the ecological and social crisis?

The Governance of Change: at a time of ecological transition Open Ethical Questions Raised by Laudato sì. Question 1: Is the use of coercive force justified in responding to the ecological and social crisis?

Two recent crises have raised the question as to the legitimate use of coercive force: the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In the first case the coercive force mainly took the form of legal restrictions on various human activities such as work and travel; in the second case, coercive force is being exercised primarily in the form of sanctions and financial support for Ukraine (which makes possible the other kind of coercive force Ukraine is using to expel the invader). In both cases there has been much debate about the ethics of such measures… (Continua a leggere)